Prevalence of Hypertension Among The Adult Population of Semnan Province
R. Ghorbani , R. Askandarian , M. Malek , A. Rashidy-pour  |
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Abstract: (33685 Views) |
Abstract Introduction: A population based cross-sectional survey was conducted to determine prevalence of hypertension in the adult population of Semnan province. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted from September 2005 until February 2006, using a multistage cluster sampling method to select a representative sample. A total of 3799 adults, aged 30-70 years, were examined. Two blood pressure measurements were obtained by trained observers using a standard sphygmomanometer after a 5 minute seated rest. Information on history of hypertension and use of antihypertensive medication was obtained using a standard questionnaire. Body mass index (BMI) and waist to hip circumference were determined. Fasting blood sample was drawn for measurement of glucose, total cholesterol and triglycerides. Results: Prevalences of hypertension in men and women were 24.1% and 24.7% respectively. In both sexes, prevalence of hypertension increased with age. No significant difference was found in prevalence of hypertension in rural (24.1%) and urban (24.8%) regions. Among hypertensive subjects, 40.6% were aware of their hypertension (men: 30% women: 49.7%, P<0.001), only 25.5% were taking antihypertensive medication (men: 19.5% women: 30.6% P<0.001) and 41.2 % had their blood pressure controlled (men: 41% women: 42.3%). In 93.7% of men and 97.2 % of women with hypertension, at least one other cardiovascular risk factor was present and its prevalence was increased in both genders with age. Finally, gender (OR: 1.28 in men), diabetes (OR:1.86), obesity (OR:1.7), high triglycerides (OR:1.3), high cholesterol (OR: 1.3), and abdominal obesity (OR: 1.79) were positively associated with hypertension (P<0.001). Conclusion: Hypertension was present in one-fourth of the population. Majority of hypertensive subjects in this region still remain undetected and control of hypertension is also inadequate. This calls for urgent prevention and control measures for hypertension in Semnan province. |
Keywords: Prevalence, Hypertension risk farctors, Prevention, Cardiovascular disease, Semnan Province, Adults |
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Type of Study: Original |
Received: 2009/02/5 | Published: 2009/01/15
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