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:: Editorial Board
:: About Iranian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism
:: Volume 8, Issue 4 (12-2006) ::
2006, 8(4): 325-330 Back to browse issues page
Effect of Apple Cider Vinegar on Postprandial Lipaemia in Healthy Adults
F Shishehbor , MT Jalali , SM Latifi
, fshishehbor@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (31676 Views)
Introduction: Postprandial lipaemia refers to the acute period of dietary lipid absorption, transport and distiribution, which has been associated with the process of atherosclerosis. There is some evidence that apple cider vinegar and acetic acid could reduce serum lipids in rat and mice, but the effect of vinegar on blood lipids in humans has not been investigated. This study, using a randomized crossover design, was carried out to investigate the effect of apple cider vinegar on postprandial plasma lipids in sixteen healthy adults. Materials and Methods: On two separate occasions, subjects randomly consumed the fat-rich meal containing 0. 5g fat/Kg body weight, with 15cc diluted apple cider vinegar or water (as control), each time 3 venous blood samples, fasting, 4 and 8 hours after test meal ingestion were taken. Samples were analyzed for plasma triglyceride, cholesterol and HDL-C concentrations and LDL-C was calculated. Area under the curve (AUC) of TG was calculated using the trapezoid rule. Statistical analysis was carried out using repeated measures ANOVA and paired t-test (SPSS version 11). Results: The concentrations of TG was significantly (p<0. 05) increased after both meals but there was no difference between meals for postprandial responses and TG AUC after both meals were similar (820. 75±326. 66 mg/dl. 8h versus 850. 88±385. 66 mg/dl. 8h). Also, vinegar had no effect on the postprandial responses of TC, LDL-C and HDL-C. The present study showed that consumption of a single dose of apple cider vinegar with a fatty meal had no effect on the postprandial lipid response in healthy adults. However, to investigate the chronic effects of vinegar on blood lipids of human subjects, further work is recommended.
Keywords: Vinegar, Serum lipids, Postprandial lipeamia, Far-rich meal
Full-Text [PDF 258 kb]   (3963 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Original | Subject: Endocrinology
Received: 2007/05/15 | Published: 2006/12/15
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Shishehbor F, Jalali M, Latifi S. Effect of Apple Cider Vinegar on Postprandial Lipaemia in Healthy Adults. Iranian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism 2006; 8 (4) :325-330
URL: http://ijem.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-350-en.html

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Volume 8, Issue 4 (12-2006) Back to browse issues page
مجله ی غدد درون‌ریز و متابولیسم ایران، دو ماهنامه  پژوهشی مرکز تحقیقات غدد درون‌ریز و متابولیسم، Iranian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism
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