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:: Editorial Board
:: About Iranian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism
:: Volume 18, Issue 3 (9-2016) ::
2016, 18(3): 173-179 Back to browse issues page
The Association between Duration of Diabetes and Balance Impairment in People with Diabetic Neuropathy
Zahra Kosarian , Tabassom Ghanavati , Mehrnoosh Zakerkish , Mohammad Mehravar , Mohammadjafar Shaterzadeh , Shabnam Pourreza , Shirin Rahimzadeh
Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences , tbsm.gh@gmail.com
Abstract:   (9029 Views)

Introduction: Decrement in balance control ability in individuals with diabetic neuropathy may affect their daily living activities and lead to hazardous consequences such as falls and foot ulcer. Thus, it is important to predict balance impairment in this population as early as possible. The aim of this study was to determine the association between the duration of diabetes and balance impairment in people with diabetic neuropathy. Materials and Methods: Thirty diabetic patients, diagnosed with neuropathy participated in this study. We used a personal information questionnaire, Mini Mental State Examination questionnaire and the Berg Balance Scale (BBS) to evaluate basic medical status, cognitive function and functional balance, respectively. Univariate regression tests were used for statistical analysis. Results: Our findings showed a significant association between the duration of diabetes and balance control (p<0.01 and standardized beta=-0.509). When adjusting for height, weight, body mass index and cognitive score, the association between the duration of diabetes and BBS score enhanced significantly (p<0.01 and standardized beta= -0.565, -0.527, -0.550 and -0.548, respectively). Moreover, duration of diabetes could explained 25 to 45 percent of balance control impairments in people with diabetic neuropathy. Conclusion: Diabetes duration is a significant predictor of balance impairment in people with diabetic neuropathy. It could be used as a very simple factor to predict possible future balance impairments in these patients.


Keywords: Diabetic neuropathy, Balance, Postural control, Duration of diabetes
Full-Text [PDF 304 kb]   (2330 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Original | Subject: Endocrinology
Received: 2016/04/3 | Accepted: 2016/04/17 | Published: 2016/09/6
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Kosarian Z, Ghanavati T, Zakerkish M, Mehravar M, shaterzadeh M, Pourreza S et al . The Association between Duration of Diabetes and Balance Impairment in People with Diabetic Neuropathy. Iranian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism 2016; 18 (3) :173-179
URL: http://ijem.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-2071-en.html

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Volume 18, Issue 3 (9-2016) Back to browse issues page
مجله ی غدد درون‌ریز و متابولیسم ایران، دو ماهنامه  پژوهشی مرکز تحقیقات غدد درون‌ریز و متابولیسم، Iranian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism
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