Prevalence of Hyperlipidemia in Adolescents 10-19 Years old, Ahvaz, 2009-2010
Seyed Mahmoiu Latifi , Homeira Rashidi , Seyed Peyman Payami  |
Health research Institute, Diabetes Research Center, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences. |
Abstract: (9140 Views) |
Introduction: Different studies showed fat intake in childhood and adolescence has long term effects on health, increasing the risk of non communicable disease in adulthood. In Iran the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors is increasing, while the age of incidence has decreased. The aim of this study is evaluate the prevalence of dyslipidemia in adolescents, aged 10-19 years, in Ahvaz. Materials and Methods: This descriptive analytic cross sectional study was conducted in the Ahvaz health center, using multistage cluster sampling. After giving complete information to participants about the research, written informed consent was obtained from each participant or their parents and questionnaires were completed for all participants. Blood sampleing, and demographic information including waist, height and weight were measured by standard methods. Results: In this study, 2239 adolecents, aged 10-19 years were enrolled 1117(49.9%) boys and 1122(50.1%) girls. The prevalence of hyperlipidemia according to AAP was 29.9 %(boys 32.8%, 27.1% girls). Compared to boys, mean total cholesterol and LDL were higher in girls, aged between 10-14 years. Lipid factors were more prevalent in 14-15 year old girls and in 16-17 year old boys. Prevalence of hyperlipidemia increased with increase in BMI. Conclusions: Dyslipidemia has a significant prevalence among adolescents in Ahvaz, necessitating special attention be paid to educating people on diet and exercise to prevalence condition. |
Keywords: Hyperlipidemia, Adolescence, Prevalence, American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) |
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Type of Study: Original |
Endocrinology Received: 2013/11/30 | Accepted: 2014/03/18 | Published: 2014/07/12
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