Evaluation of Salivary Antioxidants in Type 1 Diabetics
Hamid Reza Abdolsamadi , Hamed Mortazavi , Mohammad Taghi Goodarz i , Fatemeh Ahmadimotamayel , Mahmud Rahmani , Bbs Moghin beigi  |
Hamadan University of Medical Sciences , fatahmadim@yahoo.com |
Abstract: (17584 Views) |
Introduction: Oxidative stress elevation has an important role in pathogenesis of diabetes and its side effects. Increased oxidative stresses and antioxidant defense dysfunction are usually seen in diabetes mellitus patients. The aim of this study was the comparative evaluation of saliva antioxidants in type 1 diabetic subjects with a healthy group, because compared to blood sampling, saliva is a non invasive and simple method. Materials and Methods: In this case control study, 20 insulin dependent patients and 20 healthy controls (12 female - 8 male, age range 30-40 years) were studied. From each person 2-3 cc of saliva was collected by the Navazesh method. Enzyme activity of super oxide dysmotase, peroxidase and uric acid were measured with Randox and santinel kits by spectrophotometric assay. The data were analyzed with SPSS software, using t Test, P<0.05 being considered significant. Results: Super oxide dysmotase had showed a statistically significant difference between the two groups patients, (8.74± 8.75 U/ml) in and controls (7.04± 17.95 U/ml). Peroxidase and uric acid were higher in patients than in controls but the difference was not statistically significant. There was positive relation between HbA1c and super oxide dysmotase, peroxidase and uric acid, p=0.003, 0.291, 0.105 r=0.629, 0.244,0.374 respectively. A statistically significant relation also was observed between super oxide dysmotase and HbA1c (p=0.003). Conclusion: In this study some salivary antioxidants levels were higher in insulin dependent diabetic patients and this may be related the control and severity of disease, which needs further studies to be clarified. |
Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, Saliva, Antioxidants |
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Type of Study: Original |
General Received: 2011/12/2 | Accepted: 2012/01/16 | Published: 2012/07/15
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