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:: Editorial Board
:: About Iranian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism
:: Volume 2, Issue 3 (9-2000) ::
2000, 2(3): 191-196 Back to browse issues page
The Effect of iodized salt on thyroid hormones, urinary iodine and grade of goiter in Shahriar region
L Navai , F Fattahi , M Nafarabadi , F Azizi
Abstract:   (29889 Views)
Abstract: In our previous study in 1362, goiter was hyperendemic in Shahriar. Since iodized salt has been distributed in this region for 12 years, this study was performed to evaluate the effect of iodized salt on thyroid hormones, urinary iodine excretion and the grade of goiter in Shahriar region in 1374. 3164 persons including 58% females and 42% males were selected through random sampling. Grading of goiter was performed according to WHO’s classification, and urinary iodine was measured digestion method. The result were compared with those of the study performed in 1362. The prevalence of goiter in 1362 and 1374 was 50% and 40% in men, 70% and 51% in women and 60% and 47% in total community respectively (P<0.001). The decrease in the prevalence of goiter was observed specially in lower ages which was 23% vs 7% in younger than 6 years, 82% vs 46% in 6-12 years and 78% vs 66% in 13-18 years of age respectively (P<0.001). The decrease in the prevalence of goiter was observed specially in lower ages which was 23% vs 7% in younger than 6 years, 82% vs 46% in 6-12 years and 78% vs 66% in 13-18 years of age respectively (P<0.001). The mean urinary iodine excretion before and after using the iodized salt was 6.5±7.6 and 18.5±13.1 μg/dl (P<0.001). In 1362 study, 47.5% of the subjects had urinary iodine levels of 2 to 5 μg/dl while in 1374 study in 65% of subjects urinary iodine level has been 10 to 25 μg/dl. The mean level of thyroid hormones before and after using iodized salt were respectively: T4, 9.2±1.1 vs 9.3±1.9 μg/dl T3, 142±30 vs 154±42 ng/dl (P<0.001) and TSH, 1.8±1.1 vs 1.5±1.3 μU/ml (P<0.001). 1.5% of the subjects in 1362 and 4.5% in 1374 had T4 levels higher than 12.5μg/dl. T3 levels higher than 200 ng/dl were observed in 0.4% and 11.5% of the subjects before and after using iodized salt. TSH levels higher than 5μU/mL were observed in 0.6% and 1.9% of the subjects in 1362 and 1374 respectively. There was no change in positive cases of antithyroid antibodies. The number of hypothyroid and hyperthyroid cases were not considerable. The results of this study shows that the use of iodized salt causes a decrease in the prevalence of goiter, specially in lower ages and an increase in urinary excietion. The results also show that the use of iodized salt at the level of 40 ppm has no harmful side effects in this region.
Keywords: Goiter, Iodine deficiency, Iodised salt, Thyroid
Full-Text [PDF 297 kb]   (7746 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Original | Subject: Endocrinology
Received: 2006/11/15 | Published: 2000/09/15
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Navai L, Fattahi F, Nafarabadi M, Azizi F. The Effect of iodized salt on thyroid hormones, urinary iodine and grade of goiter in Shahriar region. Iranian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism 2000; 2 (3) :191-196
URL: http://ijem.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-106-en.html

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Volume 2, Issue 3 (9-2000) Back to browse issues page
مجله ی غدد درون‌ریز و متابولیسم ایران، دو ماهنامه  پژوهشی مرکز تحقیقات غدد درون‌ریز و متابولیسم، Iranian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism
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