Abstract Introduction: Although the effects of exercise on angiogenic factors is a topic that has attracted the attention of many researchers worldwide, the possible impacts of gender and physical activity on the rate of angiogenic factors at rest and response of acute exercise have not been investigated so far and which is why we conducted this research. Materials and Methods: Sixteen women (8 active, 8 sedentary) and 16 men (8 active, 8 sedentary) participated in this study. Three days after determination of V02max, they exercised for 1 h at 70% V02 max. Serum was collected from the vein at rest and at 0 and 2 h, post exercise. Serum vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) was measured by ELISA kits. Results: Serum levels of VEGF decreased immediately after exercise in groups, a change that was temporary and transient. At rest, no difference between serum VEGF of groups was seen. On the other hand, changes in VEGF levels in response to exercise between groups were not significant. Conclusion: Acute submaximal exercise decreases the main angiogenic factor involved in development of capillary network. Gender and physical activity do not affect serum levels of the vascular endothelial growth factor at rest or response of exercise. |