:: Volume 2, Issue 1 (3-2000) ::
2000, 2(1): 39-42 Back to browse issues page
The role of a single progesterone measurement in prediction of outcome of pregnancy in women with vaginal bleeding at early pregnancy
Z Rezai , S Yazdani
Abstract:   (17930 Views)
Abstract: To evaluate the role of a single progesterone measurement in prediction of the outcome of pregnancy in women with vaginal bleeding at early gestational period, this prospective, case–control study was performed on 100 pregnant women with vaginal bleeding under 18th gestational week who were referred to Mirza Khoochak Khan Hospital. Serum progesterone was measured in cases and compared with control subjects (53 pregnant women under 18th gestational week who were visited for prenatal care in the same hospital). The study group was divided into 2 groups prospectively including 65 subjects with terminated pregnancy due to abortion (group 1) and 35 subjects with viable gestation. Cases and controls were adjusted for age, the number of deliveries and gestation and the history of abortion. Serum progesterone level in group 1 was significantly lower than that in group 2 (27±9 ng/ml) and control group (34±12 ng/ml) (P<0.05). Cutoff point of 10ng/ml for progesterone level was considered to differ between viable and aborted pregnancy. The sensitivity of %77 and specificity and positive predictive value (PVP) of %100 were calculated for this cutoff point. Therefore, a single progesterone measurement can be applied for women with vaginal bleeding at early pregnancy in order to predict the viability of pregnancy.
Keywords: Pregnancy, Progesterone, Vagnial bleeding
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Type of Study: Original | Subject: Endocrinology
Received: 2006/11/14 | Published: 2000/03/15

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